Preparing for College After Nativ

Preparing for College After Nativ

Preparing for College After Nativ

“Without a doubt going on Nativ made my transition to college much smoother. Coming in with a year’s experience of living in an entirely different country and sharing space with roommates who I didn’t know beforehand, the adjustment to dorm life felt like a breeze. Furthermore, I found the mental break that a gap year provides, rather than jumping straight into the academic stress of university, to be invaluable. Taking the time to pause in between these two monumental life chapters for an enriching year of growth and exploration prepared me to confidently dive into all that college has to offer, grounded in my identity and personal strengths.”

-Talia, Nativ 40, Harvard University
Your entire year on Nativ is designed to help you prepare for life in college- through building your own schedule, navigating social situations, preparing your meals, learning a new public transportation system and more! 
It is recommended that Nativers determine their post-Nativ plans for college before they leave for the year in Israel, however students can certainly use their gap year to re-apply to colleges from Israel while maintaining full participation in the program.  Applicants are encouraged to check with colleges and universities to find out their policies on deferral and the process for requesting it. Most schools will grant a deferral – applicants should wait until they have been accepted to a school before requesting a deferral.  Applicants with any specific question about this process can contact the Nativ office at
About to graduate high school?
Live, learn, make lifetime friends and explore Israel for an unforgettable year before college. Now accepting applications!